MacHack 1997
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Hacks ’96
Talking Telnet
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59 lines
/* first we have all of the neat network defines. Most of them are used by
the DoNetEvents loop, as the custom network events */
/* the different types of network events... */
#define USERCLASS 1 /* user defined events */
#define SCLASS 8
#define CONCLASS 16 /* this has all of the connection events */
/* these are all of the connection events */
#define CONOPEN 1 /* connection has opened, CONCLASS */
#define CONDATA 2 /* there is data available on this connection */
#define CONCLOSE 3 /* the other side has closed its side of the connection */
#define CONFAIL 4 /* connection open attempt has failed */
/* all of the user-defined network events */
#define UDPDATA 1 /* UDP data has arrived on listening port, USERCLASS */
#define DOMAIN_DONE 2 /* domain name ready/failed */
#define FTPCOPEN 20 /* FTP command connection has opened */
#define FTPCLOSE 21 /* FTP command connection has closed */
#define FTPBEGIN 22
#define FTPEND 23 /* FTP transfer ending */
#define FTPACT 2 /* FTP transfer is active, keep sending */
#define RCPACT 4 /* rcp is active, needs CPU time */
#define RETRYCON 5 /* retry connection packet, might be lost */
#define CLOSEDONE 6 /* Close completion routine has been called (for Mac Drivers only) */
#define UDATA 7 /* BYU mod - client ftp active */
#define RG_REDRAW 128
/* next two are for keeping track of pasting to session */
#define PASTELEFT 130 /* UserEvent, PASTELEFT causes pasteText */
#define HFTP 21 /* BYU mod: for ftp stuff */
// Port types (determines what routine should be called when data arrives on port)
#define NO_TYPE -1
#define CNXN_TYPE 0
#define UDATA_TYPE 1
#define PDATA_TYPE 2
#define PFTP_TYPE 3
/* event queue
* records what happens, especially errors, and keeps them for any
* routines that poll, looking for what happened.
* Eight event classes are masked in the event class byte.
* There can be 256 event types per class.
* The data field is handled differently by each event type.
typedef struct internal_event {
Ptr qLink;
short qType;
short eclass; /* class, defined in netevent.h */
short event; /* which event */
short data1;
long data2;
} internal_event;